last weekend was my first time visit sumatra island, bandar lampung for 4 days. it took about 8 hours to get there by bus and ship. i was tired because it was absolutely a long trip. but that was my first time so i enjoyed it. fyi it wasn't some vacation. my oldest cousin held his marriage there. lampung was extremely different from jkt (iyalaaah). there were no high buildings or elegant shopping centers with branded shops inside like in jkt, but i loved its blue sky (and the sunset was damn cool). i have never seen such very blue sky in jkt before (yes because jkt got the best polution ever). eventhough lampung was a good place but i once wondered, if someday something happens and i'm forced to move and stay in a far away place from jkt such as lampung or others far away place from jkt, could i survive there? noo, gak bermaksud sombong atau gimana loh, it was just my wild imagination, haha. okay, the next thing is my family got addiction to durian, and i was the only one who didn't eat durian. the second day in lampung, my family bought a bunch of durians and they seemed like enjoy that cursed fruit. iuuh why do people love durian? the smell is so bad like kentut! haha back to topic, it makes me sick talking about durian. so, i did like the last weekend's trip to lampung. and the next destination will be pekanbaru, maybe.
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