ta-da! another new old game that i have bought. tamagotchi. it was our childhood most favorite game. brought it to school and playing all day long even in the class haha. now it's the newest version, quite expensive but worth it (for me). i asked gita, fira, kanti, vhero and sarah to buy the same one. hey you guys just swore to me to have your own sooner. if you think i'm a bit childish or seems like masa kecil kurang bahagia, i don't mind. believe it or not my lecturer also have one. once i saw her playing her tama in the class. lecturer yang aneh. then i won't open the case before my other friends buy their own. surely we'll open it together. nanti kita kawinin yah binatang kita lewat infra rednya :)
SOON ya din! belom sempet ke mol nii hehehh. ntar kita kawinin ya din hehehh
taun kemaren gue beli ini nih, tp karena gak ada yg beli jg akhirnya gak bisa dikawinin deh. skrg batrenya udah abis males diapa2in hahaha
ps : kok gak bisa komeng buat id selain blogger yak? zzz
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