Thursday, November 12, 2009

bite the dust!

"my theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch on fire or block the refrigerator door, let it be. why should you?"

itu barang-barang di kost gw. i put everything everywhere. iuh looks so dirty and i haven't tidy it up for a long long time! dasar pemalas kau dine, tolong bersihkanlah demi kenyamanan hidupmu. but the quote just made me think twice!

anyway, i miss my mom and dad. just hurry go back to indonesia! i accidentally spent half of my money :D

Sunday, November 08, 2009

i'm tired...mind, body, and soul..

"I always knew that looking back to the cries would make me laugh, but I never knew that looking back to the laughs would make me cry.."

"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.."

Friday, November 06, 2009

just a little message in a bottle

"hey you.."

"i just wanna show that.."


"for all trouble i've caused you.."

"actually i don't know for sure what are you scrambling for right now.."

"but just get up, stand up, and don't give up the fight..."

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

an unexpected guest

he shouldn't have come to my dream, but he successfully sneaked in to it. it was the first time since he has been gone, i mean since he has stayed away from me..

"dine, lo jangan suka sama gw lagi ya
lo harus move on dan coba cari orang yang lain
gw bukan cowok yang baik buat lo dine.."

why did you sentence me those words? is that the only thing you wanna say to me?
i've been trying..but it hasn't completely done. i'm sorry..and please don't hate me..

all, all of our moments
have just become ailments
i'm haunted of all everyday

i tried to go on like i never knew you
i'm awake but my world is half asleep
i pray to this heart to be unbroken..

Monday, November 02, 2009

you said, shut up and let me go! but you're always be the one for me..

the ting tings, 30/10/09, istora senayan

"So make sure you're thinkin' it through
You've let me down again
Offer me somethin'
I know you really meant
Cuz I don't wanna the one
Only overjoyed
Yeah I don't wanna be the one
Makin' all the noise
Yeah I don't wanna be the one

still running in my mind, how jules and katie hypnotized me by their awesome performance. best luck for you two, i'm your biggest fan!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

the wound is half healed but still it left scar!

eh maaf ya tiba-tiba ngeupload gambar serem gini. ahaha tapi itu foto gw sendiri yang gw edit kok, jadi tenang aja bukan foto horror beneran. kebiasaan deh, sekarang gw jadi nelantarin blog gw ini. hampir dua bulan lebih kali ya gw gak ngepost disini. maklumlah hidup semakin sibuk (ato sok sibuk?) dan dipenuhi banyak masalah (kalo ini emang bener).

jadi kemaren-kemaren itu gw sempet rumit gara-gara tingkah laku seseorang yang lagi gelap mata karena CINTA, yang seenaknya ngejudge segala hal tanpa diliat dulu dari berbagai sudut pandang. ihh, orang macem gini nih yang pikirannya sempit! just think twice if you wanna do something, gak cuman lo doang kok yang berada di posisi yang susah. tolong lain kali pikir-pikir dulu kalo mau bertindak, jangan mikirin perasaan sendiri aja! liat juga dari sudut pandang yang lainnya.

sorry sempet curhat, itu kejadian beberapa bulan yg lalu kok. gw cuman orang yang gak tau apa-apa dan tanpa sengaja terlibat jauh ke dalam masalah yang menurut gw kurang jelas. now i'm fine (walopun gw tipe orang yg susah kalo harus move on! dan gw menerima semuanya dengan lapang dada kok. because i know, another good thing is waiting for me. entah apa itu, but i'm sure i'll get it someday :)

i look to the future because that's where i'm going to spend the rest of my life!

i love you or i loved you, i don't know which one is my current feeling right now! gw belom move on sepenuhnya loooh :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

trip to japan with bff

finally i uploaded my summer photos in japan! :)

arrived at narita airport

toll rest area

food stand for festival (seems like in japanese comics hahaha)

near our hotel, dai-ichi hotel

ueda city intersection

ueda station and around (place where we buy food at supermarket!)

japanese folk festival, gion matsuri (carrying mikoshi)

tokyo station

tokyo disneyland front gate

tokyo disneyland main entrance

cinderella castle

goofy's house!

space mountain ride

in front of kameido station

akihabara, tokyo's electronic and anime center

taito game station

intersection at akihabara

takeshita dori - harajuku

shibuya station

media complex Q front

shibuya 109

in front of shibuya 109

in front of shibuya 109

the original pepper lunch

tokyo tower in the evening

temple at ueda castle

nagano district

zenkouji temple

tanabata place

ueda folk festival, wasshoi festival

at onsen (japanese outdoor hot spring)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

is (not) enjoying the holiday

oh my god, long time no post. i have never posted any since last month! yeah, that means i've been so so so busy. hahaha. and it's been a week since i was back from japan. bener-bener trip yang menyenangkan sekali bersama teman-teman! makasih buat mama dan papa yang udah ngasih kado ultah trip ke jnegeri sakura selama 17 hari kemarin! it was very astonishing! foto-fotonya nyusul yaa, soalnya banyak banget ;p

i spent this week at my campus. just for bvoice radio tersayang! yah sekalian sih ketemu sama temen-temen kampus yang udah lama banget gak ketemu. kangen banget-bangetan sama mereka. and that's me. i'm really enjoying this organization activity. being involved in this kind of activity is one of many ways that can easily boost my mood.

anyway, the bomb issue is happening here lately. i was in japan when the bomb were exploded at jw marriott and ritz carlton hotel. but thank god, i hear today the suspect(noordin m top) is not alive anymore! did the police shoot him dead? good job! just let this person die and enjoy the rest in hell!

suasana di akhirat pasti lagi ricuh-ricuhnya, disaat michael jackson lagi nyanyi, mbah surip lagi ngelawak, dan ws rendra lagi baca puisi, eeeh tau-tau noordin m top datang dengan membawa bomb! hahahaha ;p

Sunday, July 05, 2009

can't wait for holiday!

sebelomnya gw mau ngucapin happy birthday dulu ke sahabat gw, yogya yasin akbar! happy birthday, akbar! you're just one day younger than me! but now we're same turning to 20! by this age you've should realized that life sucks, but you've got best friends here so i'm sure you can through it slowly, just believe! i know you can solve it, be confident hey you're tough man!

happy birthday hey my best friend!

ahhh ganti topik! sekarang udah 9 days left to go to tokyo! ahahaha can't wait for my 2 weeks trip to japan. gw bahkan belom mulai packing sama sekali, belom beli kebutuhan untuk disana. emang selalu kebiasaan gw deh, apa-apa selalu mendadak. pasti sehari ato dua hari sebelomnya gw bakal panik dan gedebak gedebuk kesana kemari hehee. agak deg-degan juga sih, soalnya trip kali ini gw cuman pergi ber-4 sama sahabat-sahabat gw. yah taun lalu gw juga ke bali cuman ber 5 sama temen gw sih, tapi karena itu masih bali jadi kita masih santai-santai aja. haaa so excited but nervous!

yeah one more exam for tomorrow, then i'll be free for two months!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


wah keliatannya belakangan ini gw jarang banget ya ngepost di blog. ah, yaudahlah gw ngerasa hidup gw lagi kacau balau banget sekarang. lagi banyak masalah, terutama masalah keluarga dan masalah cinta! puncaknya tanggal 13 juni kemaren, dimana akhirnya gw 'meledak' dan gak tahan lagi sama semuanya. haha gak perlu dibahas sih, mungkin tahun ini adalah tahun terparah selama hidup gw tapi juga jadi tahun terbagus. seumur hidup gw, gw gak pernah ngerasa down dan depresi berat kaya gini. hiks gw lagi dalam fase yang berat, yang bikin gw bener-bener capek , gak semangat hidup dan sempet bikin gw berpikir, "untuk apa sih gw hidup kalo setiap hari gw selalu sedih terus?". setiap bangun pagi, mood gw pasti selalu berantakan karena gak siap untuk menghadapi hari ini dan hari seterusnya. ahhh just praying that i'll get better soon. amin. najis gw jadi curhat gini, hahahahaha.

uas? gw akui gw gak peduli sama uas kali ini. belajar asal-asalan, yang penting isi jawaban sesuka hati gw, keluar kelas dan bernafas lega. tinggal 3 ujian lagi, yah semoga gw bisa serius untuk 3 ujian yang akan datang nanti. otak gw udah penuh sama liburan liburan dan liburan!

i need someone who can cheer me up!

trying to cheer myself up

Sunday, June 07, 2009

love mommy chacha!

ya! memang belakangan ini gw sangat tertekan dan depresi, tapi bukan berarti gw menjadi belok dan tidak normal pada akhirnya! ahahahahh

Sunday, May 17, 2009

too much thinking, overload!

i hate my japanese class for now! it's getting more difficult. gw akui bahwa belakangan ini semangat kuliah gw berkurang drastis, lebih memilih bersenang-senang dengan teman ketimbang belajar. bukannya gimana, mungkin sekarang ini lagi masa-masa jenuh dalam hidup gw. i'm thinking too much, terlalu banyak pikiran, sampe akhirnya gw jatuh sakit di tengah-tengah uts. hasilnya? gw khawatir sama nilai gw di semester 4 ini. oh binus, berilah sedikit kemudahan pada mahasiswimu ini, hiks.

sebaliknya, i'm too excited with my drama class. 2 minggu lagi bakal tampil. gak sabar pake yukata dan geta yang dibeliin ayah seno dari jepang, it must be fun! judul drama untuk kelompok gw adalah "bunbuku chagama", salah satu dongeng jepang. ayo latihan yang rajin, dialognya susah mampus!

malam minggu kemaren akhirnya jatuh pada pondok indah mall, satu-satunya mall yang paling deket dari rumah gw. nonton angels & demons, filmnya bagus sekali ternyata! wajib tonton :)

smile for saturday night :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

random photos uploaded

sushi tei with may riris dwiki and pram

midnite session in my room, we did love trapped in the dark :D

not so good fish eye result. still beginner hahah

photo session with my girls, thx for the photographer :)

just wanna share my recent photos from my nothing activities hahahh