Sunday, July 05, 2009

can't wait for holiday!

sebelomnya gw mau ngucapin happy birthday dulu ke sahabat gw, yogya yasin akbar! happy birthday, akbar! you're just one day younger than me! but now we're same turning to 20! by this age you've should realized that life sucks, but you've got best friends here so i'm sure you can through it slowly, just believe! i know you can solve it, be confident hey you're tough man!

happy birthday hey my best friend!

ahhh ganti topik! sekarang udah 9 days left to go to tokyo! ahahaha can't wait for my 2 weeks trip to japan. gw bahkan belom mulai packing sama sekali, belom beli kebutuhan untuk disana. emang selalu kebiasaan gw deh, apa-apa selalu mendadak. pasti sehari ato dua hari sebelomnya gw bakal panik dan gedebak gedebuk kesana kemari hehee. agak deg-degan juga sih, soalnya trip kali ini gw cuman pergi ber-4 sama sahabat-sahabat gw. yah taun lalu gw juga ke bali cuman ber 5 sama temen gw sih, tapi karena itu masih bali jadi kita masih santai-santai aja. haaa so excited but nervous!

yeah one more exam for tomorrow, then i'll be free for two months!

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